Genshin Impact Leak Teases Chiori's Full Ability Kit

Genshin Impact is expected to start marketing for Chiori on December 29, 2024. A reliable leak has shared an early preview of her ability kit. Chiori is expected to debut in Version 4.5.

The Lantern Rite controversy has distracted the community from the upcoming Event Banners. However, players have appreciated how HoYoverse addressed underutilized Elemental Reactions with the Fontaine 5-Stars.

Chiori is suspected to be a featured character on the Version 4.5 Event Banners for Genshin Impact. Leaks suggest that no last-minute changes have been made to the banner order.

Chiori is an off-field Geo Sword DPS. Her ascension stat is CRIT RATE, and her signature weapon will provide 88% CRIT DMG at Level 90. Her abilities may have synergy based on the amount of Crystallize Shards or Geo Constructs on the field.

Chiori should begin beta testing soon, and Genshin Impact players who signed up for the beta will have a chance to test her out prior to launch. Her capability of dishing out Geo damage off-field has sparked discussions about her role in the game.

Both Albedo and Chiori are supposed to feature on the Event Banners in Version 4.5. With Version 4.4 releasing on January 31, fans can expect to see Version 4.5 in mid-March.

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