League of Legends Primal Ambush Skins Leaked by Riot

Riot Games has recently leaked the upcoming Primal Ambush skin line for League of Legends. The new skins will be available for four popular champions: Talon, Vi, Sivir, and Riven.

The Primal Ambush skins boast cat-like features, including feline eyes, fluffy ears, and face paint, providing a resemblance to wild animals. The skins have a more human-like appearance compared to the initial concept.

The Primal Ambush skins will be available for Talon, Vi, Sivir, and Riven. The leak includes four distinct icons, each showcasing the feline-inspired looks for the four champions. There might be more champions joining the Primal Ambush skinline upon release.

The Primal Ambush Skinline is expected to debut on January 17th with the release of League of Legends Patch 14.2. However, the release date is subject to change.

The pricing details for the new skins remain undisclosed as of now. More information will be released by Riot Games as the release date approaches.

The Primal Ambush skins are a highly anticipated addition to League of Legends. Fans are eagerly awaiting their release, which aligns with the excitement surrounding the potential Ranked changes coming to the game in 2024.

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