Nintendo Switch 2: Rumors, specs & price speculation

More powerful than Switch: Expect an updated Nvidia SoC, potentially supporting DLSS for 4K gaming.

Forget sluggish load times, DDR5 RAM and a snazzy new storage solution (NVMe or eMMC, jury's still out) will have your games zipping along. Just don't expect tinkering; soldered storage might be the new reality.

OLED's reign might be over. Sharp's sudden amnesia about a new LCD panel has folks buzzing about a less flashy, but potentially cheaper, screen for Switch 2.

Hold your pre-orders, launch date's still shrouded in mystery. April 2024 is the earliest whisper, with a holiday season unveiling more likely. Best Buy's secret sale might be a sneaky hint...

Don't break the bank just yet. $399 seems like the sweet spot, with Steam Deck's price tag setting the pace. But that fancy OLED screen could push it closer to the $400 mark.

Breathe easy, your Switch games aren't dinosaurs. Backwards compatibility is practically a Nintendo guarantee, especially for digital downloads. Cartridges? Their future's a bit murkier.

Don't expect a mind-blowing leap. Think refined evolution, not mind-bending transformation. Dr. Serkan Toto, gaming guru, calls it an "iteration," so buckle up for a familiar, but faster, ride.

Announcement? Months before launch, just like last time. Get ready for cryptic tweets, blurry leaks, and Nintendo's masterful art of keeping us guessing until the big reveal.

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